Sunday, 19 July 2009

Writing speaks

Have you, like me, always wondered what all your handwriting can reveal about you? Does it surprise you when people tell you facts about yourself just from your handwriting? I’ve always wanted to learn this art or science, what ever you’d like to call it. And people who manage to read facts about other people’s personalities just from their handwriting, astonish me. It was only yesterday that I learnt that two of my very own friends are extraordinarily good at this. Each read a page from my class notes and I was zapped at their accuracy of deduction. Here’s what I was told:

Himanshu said that I was :
  • Hardworking
  • Poor at lying
  • One to abstain from wrong doing
  • Self dependent
  • Puts her heart into what she takes up
  • Does not forgive the ones who get into my bad books
  • Wouldn’t say something bad on the face of the one she doesn’t like
On the other hand, Deepti said that I was :
  • Someone who’d complete what she takes up
  • Creative
  • Focused
  • One who was clear in thoughts
  • Flexible and adaptive

2 expert opinion(s):

Himanshu Sharma said...

Can laaa read faces too ;)

AP Shinde said...

@Himanshu - whoa.. can la :D

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