Wednesday, 13 August 2008
The importance of being Calpurnia
[11:41:31] Desai,K,Kaus: hello pavan
[11:41:39] Shinde,P,Pav: heylo
[11:41:47] Shinde,P,Pav: were you trying to call me yesterday ?
[11:42:16] Desai,K,Kaus: no
[11:42:23] Desai,K,Kaus: my phone did, though
[11:42:26] Shinde,P,Pav: ok
[11:42:47] Shinde,P,Pav: :)
[11:42:57] Desai,K,Kaus: just wanted to tell you
[11:43:00] Desai,K,Kaus: i got my money
[11:43:04] Desai,K,Kaus: persistence
[11:43:22] Shinde,P,Pav: Good !
[11:43:29] Shinde,P,Pav: (Y)
[11:43:42] Desai,K,Kaus: pig-headed persistence
[11:44:05] Shinde,P,Pav: :D
[11:44:32] Desai,K,Kaus: you need to appear to be stupider than the other guy
[11:44:51] Desai,K,Kaus: then take down their statements one-by-one
[11:45:07] Desai,K,Kaus: then let them think they're geniuses
[11:45:29] Desai,K,Kaus: that feeling however, lasts only until you tell them "see?"
[11:47:45] Shinde,P,Pav: :)
[11:50:54] Desai,K,Kaus: that is what i call the 'albert einstein' moment
[11:51:12] Desai,K,Kaus: There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.
[11:51:20] Desai,K,Kaus: to quote the man himself
[11:52:07] Shinde,P,Pav: hmm
[11:52:59] Desai,K,Kaus: or Julius Caesar, Act IV, Scene III
[11:53:48] Desai,K,Kaus: if you've followed shakespeare
[11:53:57] Shinde,P,Pav: I dont thnk this was there in julius ceas
[11:54:05] Shinde,P,Pav: caesar*
[11:54:15] Desai,K,Kaus: no no, the first quote was einstein
[11:54:40] Desai,K,Kaus: the julius caesar line is perhaps better known
[11:54:57] Desai,K,Kaus: Brutus: There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
[11:54:58] Shinde,P,Pav: nobleso fall
[11:55:02] Shinde,P,Pav: noblest of all
[11:55:37] Shinde,P,Pav: I dont remember these lines
[11:55:52] Shinde,P,Pav: I remember what the soothsayer says
[11:55:56] Desai,K,Kaus: no?
[11:56:04] Shinde,P,Pav: and i rememer his wife's deream
[11:56:17] Shinde,P,Pav: and i remember brutus being called the most noble
[11:56:21] Shinde,P,Pav: dats it
[11:56:41] Desai,K,Kaus: yeah, chlamydomona or something like it
[11:56:53] Desai,K,Kaus: cassiopaea perhaps
[11:57:07] Desai,K,Kaus: or cauliflowa?
[11:57:23] Shinde,P,Pav: I'll got with option 3
[13:22:39] Desai,K,Kaus: ah, no, i've got it
[13:22:45] Desai,K,Kaus: calpurnia!
[13:22:57] Desai,K,Kaus: i thought it was california or something
[13:23:14] Desai,K,Kaus: not the RHCP album
[13:27:57] Shinde,P,Pav: that is californication
[13:28:06] Desai,K,Kaus: yes, exactly
[13:28:08] Shinde,P,Pav: or were you thinking of eagles ?
[13:28:19] Shinde,P,Pav: you can chk out any tiem
[13:28:26] Shinde,P,Pav: but you can never leave ?
[13:28:39] Desai,K,Kaus: no no, i got confused about california and cauliflowa and californication
[13:28:53] Desai,K,Kaus: then i remembered
[13:29:48] Desai,K,Kaus: it seemed illogical why julius caesar would call his wife cauliflowa
[13:30:05] Shinde,P,Pav: I cant see why he cant
[13:30:17] Desai,K,Kaus: or california, because it hadn't been discovered then
[13:30:23] Shinde,P,Pav: I can clearly imagine him saying ..
[13:31:00] Shinde,P,Pav: "Oh beloved Cauliflowa, thy bushy hair resembleth the vege of the same name"
[13:31:17] Shinde,P,Pav: or just like augustus ceasar gave the month his name
[13:31:26] Shinde,P,Pav: and julius himself named another
[13:31:45] Shinde,P,Pav: .. he might have wanted to name a vege in memory of his wifey
[13:31:50] Desai,K,Kaus: :D no no, but then it would be more relevant if he called her californication :P
[13:32:00] Shinde,P,Pav: perhaps that's how the vege got its name!
[13:32:04] Desai,K,Kaus: maybe
[13:32:40] Desai,K,Kaus: and her full name was calpurnia pisonis
[13:33:11] Desai,K,Kaus: so it would be unfair to call her cauliflowa pisonis
[13:33:20] Desai,K,Kaus: or californication pisonis
[13:33:29] Desai,K,Kaus: so it had to be calpurnia
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